Monday, 20 February 2012

Random driving and a birthday party.

                                 This is our friend Kaiden, and this is typical Kaiden.
                                 He got tired of hopping like a frog, so he took a break.
                                 At least a whole minute he stayed like this. He makes us laugh!
                                       They had toad races, and Eli's won the race!! Finn was so
                                        grossed out (so was I) that he screamed every time one
                                         of them even flinched. At the top of his lungs.
                                        Super fun party!!

1 comment:

  1. I just loved these photos from random driving and the birthday bash. Everything looks so cheerful. My sister’s birthday is coming in a week and I am going Gaga over various Pinterest themes for her surprise birthday bash. Even I am willing to book one of the rooftop New York venues too.
