Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Agriculture show


                                                   Eli landscaping

                                      Everyone helped lift the wall up.
                     Gleanings just recieved 20 pallets of Organic baby food for donation.

                                                   Latenight football game
                                                   Soup mix getting bagged
Our new buddy, check out her blog at http://olie-oh.blogspot.com/

BMX racing.

                                    Finn is in the farthest lane

                                He came first in this race!! Eli had no voice by the end.

Birthday cake

                                      I made a brownie cake with chocolate gnash strawberries.

                                      It was for a VERY special girl who always makes everyone
                                        elses birthday cakes... so it was extra fun to make!

African childrens choir

                     The kids had never been to an actual theater before. They were so excited!

                              We got our own private performance the next day. They came and
                           stayed at Gleanings for a couple of days. What an awesome group
                                of kids!! They blessed me by their beautiful worship. I swear
                                   I heard angels singing with them.

                                      My beautiful dessert table. well, not mine, but it was fun to make!
                                  These 2 girls were so precious! They were attatched to the boys at
                                           the hip the whole time they were here.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Random driving and a birthday party.

                                 This is our friend Kaiden, and this is typical Kaiden.
                                 He got tired of hopping like a frog, so he took a break.
                                 At least a whole minute he stayed like this. He makes us laugh!
                                       They had toad races, and Eli's won the race!! Finn was so
                                        grossed out (so was I) that he screamed every time one
                                         of them even flinched. At the top of his lungs.
                                        Super fun party!!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

January fun

                      This truck was shipping out 1 million servings of soup, hand made quilts and bibles
                             Everyone gathers and prays for the journey of the food, and the people receiving it would know that there is a God who loves them and hasn't forgotten them

                          Eli has been having fun making movies... this is one of his MANY video productions as of late
                               Paul caught a toad late one night... left it for the kids to find in the morning. they were pleasantly surprised to say the least
                        We made a new friend from France, and his name was Nicholas. his english was so impressive!! we took him to IHOP one night for dinner. he loves pancakes as much as Eli!!

                         One of the kids' birthdays. it was so fun!! they had a scavenger hunt of the whole gleanings base!!
                         Love California... middle of winter. Eli went swimming that afternoon.The first to go in in 2012... Paul has some footage that i'll get from him this weekend and post later.
                                        We took some jumps on the home made go kart.
                  The 10 plex that is being built for people coming to serve here at gleanings. paul has stayed to see the job is done well and is a vital part of the project.
                                        Pauly at work.
                       We did a science project in the kitchen. We used hydrogen peroxide and food colouring, and then added some yeast water, and saw the cool chemaical reation happen and it foamed beautiful blue "elephant toothpast" the kids called it.
                             The token funny face pic that boys absolutely have to make on every occasion. (the flags in the background are different countries that have been blessed by our abundance here. how cool is that?)