Tuesday, 20 December 2011


 well, it's been a while since our last post... sorry the blog has been so sparce recently... here's a few things we've been up to... gleaning's packed up a bunch of food, quilts and things for the Christmas season, and we took them 5 miles down the road to a little town that is so stricken with poverty, people have families have been starving. we loaded up the tractor, and the kids got to have a ride.

 we showed up, and started singing right away, bringing people out of their homes (if you can call them that) some weeping before we even give them their gifts we brought them.

 wes went to a hard core concert with a bunch of local bands performing...  he had a sweet time
 my girlfriend jackie gave me a wee Christmas tree... it's the only one wes has ever liked
 we go to markets all the time for produce and goodies... we always come home with random things we don't actually need... everything's as cheap as borsht.

 another out reach we got to be a part of... this little town of 500 has the highest gang realted deaths in all california, and the suicide rate is abnormally high as well. we got to love the socks off a bunch of kids for the day... giving them food, and some little christmas gifts too...
 they recently got a basketball court... they had the opening ceremony that day too.

 night markets are so fun... every time we leave one, Eli says he's so lonley for a pet he could cry. they have birds, hamsters, rabbits, rats (eeewwwwww) and lots of other rodent type things that give me the heebies.
we've been to what seems like 20 Christmas plays... everyone of our friends here go to a different church, and they all have their own Christmas production. it's been really fun tho, the kids have been up late, eating treats, and meeting people everywhere we go. we're going to the wearhouse (homeless church) on Christmas day and spend some of the day singing, eating and loving the people there that have nowhere else to go. we miss everyone, and we'll miss not being apart of your Christmas, but we're really looking forward to something different this year, and loving people who don't have anyone. 
so, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!!! we hope you find more and more reasons to celebrate what the Lord has done in your lives, and to celebrate the most important birth ever!!!!!  we love all of you, and are so blessed to have you in our lives. thankyou for your prayers and love 

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