Monday, 18 July 2016

May & june. 2016.

         The Reedley river.
                 Finn learning to jump.
    The upgrade, 2004 KTM 65cc 2 stroke.
        Testing out the power band.
    Finn drew this, he says it is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
      Me and Rod trying to sell JJ's old cars.
    The boys playing around at a swim meet.
    Long story.......
                                     The boys with a new buddy.
                                            Harley's wedding.
                                    Random night out at Mod pizza in Washington.
                                     Eli says he likes lots of pillows.
                     Random Pismo beach shot.
     Taking Finn on a ride up the mountians.
    This bike was sweet, untill the engine seized.  Oh well,..........